Friday, March 4, 2011

Fru Ndi tries to distance self from Paul Biya

Cameroon's former opposition leader, John Fru Ndi, who has grown very
close to the autocratic Paul Biya has tried to explain to a very
suspicious Cameroonian public that he has no secret arrangements with
Paul Biya.

Over the space of three months beginning late 2010, Fru Ndi and Paul
Biya met thrice in three different Regions and on three separate
occasions. This brought to light a deep held belief that there was a
more stronger bond, maybe financial between the two men. Fru Ndi
immediately became a black sheep, and was seen as irrelevant as the
discussions in Cameroonian online forums heated up with imminent
presidential elections.

After Fru Ndi's last visit, he embarked on the 18th of February 2011
on a nationwide campaign, not against incumbent, Paul Biya, but
strangely, ELECAM, the national electoral observatory.

Many wonder why someone who calls himself an opposition party leader
would have nothing to criticize against the incumbent Paul Biya's
policies for 29 years.

Another suspicious item was the funding for Fru Ndi's trip. It is not
yet time for the presidential election, but Fru Ndi could afford to
tour the country. Many wonder who is paying for the trip.

Finally, former First Vice President of the SDF Pierre Kwemo, a major
power house in the West Region of Cameroon has been completely
demonized by Fru Ndi, with suggestions that Kwemo joined the SDF for
pecuniary gain.

All these petty activity taking place at the top level of the SDF has
completely reversed the gains made in recent months by the party.

New progressive faces like Joshua Ossih have been silenced, while the
party shifted into reverse gear.

What most Cameroonians understand and see for themselves is that there
is a clear Paul Biya - Fru Ndi Alliance and there is occult financial
dealings between the two. This is what will ultimately sound the death
knell for the SDF.

Paul Biya and Fru Ndi display the same heavy handedness of other
autocratic demented despots like Hosni Mubarak or Col Muammar Qaddafi.

Time for change has come. "Time Is Now"

New World Order taking shape: Africa on Back Burner

The Arab world is roiled in an unprecedented crises. Autocratic despots who have used the natural resources of their countries as bargaining chips to cling on to power are now facing the awakening of the masses they effectively controlled in the dark ages when information was the privy of the privileged few.
Recent weeks have seen various regimes in the arab world suddenly having to deal with popular uprisings. These came as a surprise to many, including scholars and other luminaries of think tanks like the Bilderberg Group, the Council on Foreign Relations, or the Trilateral Commission.
Western governments had to react rapidly , and soon, information and total control of unfolding events was in the hands of the masses. That was good news. The Internet played a pivotal role, with tools like Facebook and Twitter used to organize peaceful protests against dictators.

However, not all popular uprisings are created equal. In countries that have populations that yearn the newly acquired freedom of the Tunisians for example, lack of coordination by peaceful protestors because of poor telecommunications infrastructure can often lead to violent repression of the people by the ruling class. This is evident in Yemen, Cote d'Ivoire and Cameroon.

But if you go further South, in Cote d'Ivoire for example, incumbent Laurent Gbagbo who lost presidential elections to economist Alassane Quattara, is still sitting tight, irrespective of calls by the United Nations, International Observers and an uprising by his people. The reason may be, the wind of change that is blowing in the Maghreb, attracting all the focus of global security analysts, diplomats and the media.

Since the beginning of March 2011, there has been talk of a very tense atmosphere in Saudi Arabia, Iran, and other countries in the Middle East that have had the same ruling elite for many decades. While the world's leading economic and military powers try to make sense of the unfolding situation in the Arab countries, other despots in sub saharan Africa like Laurent Gbagbo in Cote d'Ivoire, and Paul Biya in Cameroon lie low and take advantage of the situation to consolidate their power.

Custom Search

It is essential that while the New World Order falls into place, Africans stand up and take their rightful place in the global community of nations. This can only come as a result of countries having leaders who have a popular mandate, and who understand that they serve at the pleasure of the citizens of their country. Those who hold on tight to power like Muammar al Qaddafi in Libya and Laurent Gbagbo in Cote d'Ivoire or Paul Biya in Cameroon also seem to be those with the least enviable achievements, given the resources at their disposal. The oppressed masses will be heard, time is on their side.

Qaddafi's "Umbrella Car" exposed!

Everyone has the vivid memory of Libya's despot, Muammar al Qaddafi in a scene reminiscent of "Singing in The Rain" lashing out at the world like he is accustomed to, from an equally surreal backdrop. But the question on most people's minds was, "what's that vehicle he is sitting in?".
I am happy to report that after a bit of sleuthing, I may have satisfied my curiosity and would like to share what information I have.
Precedent Golf Cart with Curtis Industries Enclosure: Similar to Qaddafi's "Umbrella Car"
Turns out the car the "Brother Leader" is rolling in is actually a golf cart - Made in the USA. But the most important detail is the enclosure which is modular and may be fitted on many different models of golf carts.

The golf cart in question seems to be made by a company called Club Car based in Augusta, Georgia. They have a whole range of models and seem to be toward the higher end of the spectrum, as golf carts go - a sort of Rolls Royce of the golf cart world.
More interesting though is the "Brother Leader's" hardtop on his ride. It seems to be made by another US manufacturer, called Curtis Industries, based in Worcester, MA. They manufacture enclosures for small machinery to protect the operator from the elements.
So, certainly without wanting any role in the unfolding drama in the arab world, this two successful US companies will soon be thrust into the limelight.
I hope you did enjoy reading this, now to the next mystery, I wonder if the umbrella Qaddafi had was made in China or ...