Sunday, January 16, 2011

Significance of Hon. Ayah Paul Abine's Candidacy

The Hon. Ayah Paul Abine has resigned from the ruling regime's CPDM party. This visionary, who knows the value of CFA 100 has over the course of three terms in parliament been amazed by the budgets brought by ministers for consideration.

The waste was appalling. So, first, he tried to bring other members of parliament to reason. It is always a good thing when there is antagonism between the branches of government.

But, in a move that displays the immaturity of the Cameroonian democracy, some of his colleagues publicly mocked him. Why wouldn't they, they have known only two presidents in 50 years, so the concept of change at the helm is alien to most of them.

The Honorable gentleman's logic is simple, instead of spending so much money on fuel for well-paid government officials, it should be spent on creating jobs for youths. And that is just one line on the government's budget. Imagine the savings that could be realized if waste could be eliminated, if not completely, then least to a reasonable level given the social reality in Cameroon.

So, turning a new page, and as if to fulfil a new year's resolution, the Hon. Gentleman has closed the door of a major chapter in his life - his militancy in the ruling regimes CPDM.

Now, a new chapter in his life and the Cameroonian story begins. What is most lacking for the Hon. Ayah Paul is traction. He says just the right things, has the right ideas, is married to a Francophone from Douala (no fear of secession), and has the academic and professional credentials relevant for the presidency of Cameroon.

Maybe he needs to connect more with the grassroots. The same people who are the silent majority, invisible, yet always present. These are the unemployed youths, the Taximen, Buyam-Sellam, and of course, the Nanga Mboko.

He needs to speak more forcefully to these groups, for they will be the ones to decide the winner of this year's presidential election.

We can only wish the Hon. Gentleman more luck, energy and good health in his battle to ensure a better life for all Cameroonians. History already has him recorded as the one who stood up to Biya's lifelong presidency, now, maybe the next chapter in Cameroon's glorious history may have the Hon. Ayah as the one who built thousands of schools, hospitals and churches. The one who constructed farm to market roads, the one who abolished school fees in Universities, who at last built a road to Akwaya, do that there was no longer a need to go through Nigeria to reach that Sub-Division. In short, history may remember him as the one who made Cameroon prosperous and gave cameroonians the life they all craved.
Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T

1 comment:

  1. My dear reader,my name is ichili john son of akwaya.Don't be carried by the words of this writer.Paul ayah is truly the problem of Akwaya.Hundreds of people have died in Akwaya because of instructions given by Hon.Paul Ayah.Ayah openly gave instructions for a village in akwaya to be wiped off.His tribesmen attacked, killed and burnt down a whole village.As if that was not enough,the head of the corpse were cut off and carried to a shrine in Ayah's village in akwaya town-NGALI.Ayah has crowned himself paramount chief of Akwaya dis honing the instructions of the Governor,and openly told the public that no child born of a woman womb from Akwaya could challenge him.He closed the circuit court in Akwaya and freed his tribemen from undergoing prosecution.He instruct his tribesmen to beat up gendarms in Akwaya on the pretext that Akwaya has no road.Ayah is really Idi amin...


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