Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Brice Nitcheu: The Man Who Brought down Paul Biya

A Cameroonian Pro-Democracy group, The CODE, has ratcheted up pressure
on Cameroon's embattled leader, Paul Biya. Mr Biya, who has ruled the
oil rich nation for 30 years with an iron fist has his day of
reckoning fast approaching.

Members of CODE based in Europe recently made a coordinated march on
Mr Paul Biya's sumptuous lakeside home in Geneva.

Time was when Cameroonians would be issued statements that Mr Biya is
headed to Europe for a private visit. These trips stretched to many
months at times. Of late, it looks more like Biya's lair will be
starring in this year's presidential election in Cameroon. Brice
Nitcheu, harnessing the power of the internet, and social networking
has been putting a lot of pressure on Paul Biya.

From tracking the destination of the planes he takes using websites
like, and using Google and other online tools, pro
democracy activists in Cameroon have been empowered, and the Biya
enigma is falling apart like a house of cards. Now, Cameroonians are
actually seeing the man who has oppressed the country for three
decades for who he is: just a simple old man who has mismanaged his
country's resources, uses the public treasury for personal gain, and
refuses his fellow countrymen the opportunities for growth and self
development; things he is seeking for his very own kids in

From now hence, Mr Nitcheu has shown the way. From a free and
democratic Switzerland where he can freely demonstrate that Biya is
unfit to rule Cameroon, Brice Nitcheu has dealt the greatest blow yet
to Mr Biya and his kleptocratic, gerontologic regime.

None of the current crop of presidential hopefuls in Cameroon has the
single key to dislodge Biya from power, but with each Cameroonian
playing their role at their level, Biya won't be in the presidency at
Etoudi when 2011 comes to an end.

Brice Nitcheu, thanks for the good work you are doing. Cameroonians
are taking note.

Disclaimer: I don't personally know any of the CODE members. All
articles here are strictly my personal views and reflect my personal
take of events.

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