Monday, April 11, 2011

Lapiro de Mbanga FREED!

Ndinga Man, aka Lapiro is a free man after three years in prison. He
was freed one day early, ostensibly to avoid the media spotlight.

The ruling regime in Cameroon headed by Paul Biya must be turning
over. Lapiro shot to stardom after he was jailed, and his music has
been transformed into one of activism. Biya has only himself to blame
for the radicalization of the renowned artist.

Lapiro has now become very articulate and politically savvy. He is a
torn in Biya's back, and has grown bigger.

There is no doubt imprisonment has made Lapiro stronger, and has
broadened his audience. His fight has become a "cause celebre" and
"Liberez Lapiro" the new rallying chant for anti - Biya activists.

The Warden of the New Bell Prison in Douala executed Lapiro's release
deftly, how Biya handles a larger than life Lapiro may determine
whether he survives September's presidential elections.

Ms Kah Walla, the first female presidential candidate in Cameroon's
history is the favorite by a large margin, and enjoys widespread
support throughout the country.


  1. That is some good news for Cameroon after all the bad news from politics to sports. Hopefully things are much more peaceful and not a repeat of Ivory Coast or the early 1990s

  2. Why should you blame President Paul Biya for people’s stupid actions? Now even when a husband and a wife have problems or when someone’s dog dies, you blame President Paul Biya. Do not mix up things and do not let your emotions lead you rather than reason. There are people who had their scores to settle with Lapiro and what has President paul Biya got to do with that? Did you hear or see an official paper where he ordered Lapiro’s arrest? Don’t be so limited.


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