Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Showdown in Bamenda 2010: Cameroon VS Paul Biya.

Here we go once again. The embattled head of the regime that has held the people of the West African Nation of Cameroon in check for the past 28 years has to face his people. But there is only one catch. He seems to be afraid of the very people whom he rules!

It has often been whispered behind closed doors, and out of earshot of Paul Biya's henchmen that the time has come for the ruler of this country to hand over to someone who really cares about the people. But it is no surprise he does not give a damn to the people he rules. He spends more time in Switzerland with his cronies, or basking in the sun in the French resort city of La Baule. So who cares if there is no health centre in Dimako, or Kousseri or Pottor Pottor Quarter?

The millions of dollars that could have been better spent improving the infrastructure and lives of ordinary Cameroonians that instead is splurged on foreign media like the Jeune Afrique group is no longer effective.

What the people of Cameroon want is change. As Mr Biya tests the waters and has his henchmen on the ground in Bamenda to get a feel for what the population has in store for him, he can't help but feel a sense of urgency, that only the unknown can inspire in one.

Had he had some foresight, he may have chosen a more cosmopolitan city like Douala or Buea, or even Yaounde for the commemoration of the military. There is a certain unity of thought in Abakwa, that transcends party or religious affiliations. It goes beyond the fact that many generations of elites from the North West region have begged for the Ring Road to be tarred to no avail, beyond the jailing of one of the best managers in the country, Zaccheus Forjindam. It is one that comes with the realization that Bamenda is Ground Zero for Democracy in Cameroon. If you disregard democracy, come to Bamenda at your peril.

Parse all he wants, the verdict will remain the same, the people of Bamenda will NOT show up for any activity involving Mr Biya. He may feast with the Fons.
Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T

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