Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Kah Walla, Hon. Ayah Paul Abine: Getting heard after Biya - Fru Ndi Alliance

The sudden overt friendship between Fru Ndi and Paul Biya, erstwhile at both ends of the political spectrum in Cameroon, seems to have stunned many observers.

So while the potential voters soak in the images coming out of Bamenda, Yaounde, and now Ebolowa, it seems the voice of other opposition to the Biya regime has been drowned out.

So, what can leading opposition figures like the Hon. Paul Ayah and Kah Walla do to take back the thunder from the Fru Ndi-Biya Alliance.

For one, they have to keep communicating with their base. Kah Walla made a recent visit to many European countries and the USA. But just like Alassane Ouattara in Cote d'Ivoire, being the darling of foreign powers does not necessarily an election winner make.

So, her reach within her key constituents - the Buyam Sellams and Bend Skin Riders is still weak, and not far reaching enough to put a dent in a Fru Ndi-Biya Alliance. She also needs some showmanship to spice up her road show, and make up for her lack of charisma. Riding a bike in the midst of Bendskinners in Rond Point Deido, Douala or dancing Makossa with Nanga Mbokos will do wonders for her credibility amongst these key groups.

For the Hon. Paul Ayah, he has a very loyal and dedicated constituency. To bring his philosophy to the grassroots and steal some of the thunder from the Fru Ndi-Biya Alliance, he will need to organize more outreach events so that he can mingle with his constituents and directly tell them his plans for the nation.

Then next few days will be very interesting in presidential politics, as South Westerners wait in anticipation of one of their own filling the seat of Prime minister and head of government, and the SDF awaits on its first entry into government since the party was created some two decades ago.
Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T

1 comment:

  1. i am a son of Akwaya by name:egalaga frederick.Cameroonians should know that there is no peace in AKWAYA-and it is believed that this unrest since 2007 was sponsored by Hon.AYAH PAUL ABINE who bought guns using his parliamentary package armed his tribesmen to fight Gendarms in Akwaya.He closed the ciruit court at Akwaya,crowned himself paramount chief.He is unable to win support from elites in his cinstituency.What a warlord.


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