The presidential aircraft whose botched acquisition has sent many top ranking government officials behind bars in Cameroon has disappeared from the public view in the country. But what became of this infamous aircraft. Here is a quick photo presentation of a brief history and where it is today.
Please note the copyrights belong to the respective holders and are visible at the bottom of each photograph.
April 24 2004, with Cameroon's Presidential couple Paul Biya and Chantal Biya on board. This is the fateful flight when the 'Albatross", the newly acquired presidential jet almost crashed en-route to Paris - ORLY. This historic shot was immortalized by aviation enthusiast Stephane Gimard. It is such an unlikely shot that may never have happened. The aircraft returned empty to Yaounde and was hastily sent back to the owner. President Paul Biya and Chantal Biya left France on a leased aircraft to return to Yaounde, Cameroon.
The two shots above show what the cockpit of the "Albatross" looks like. It had just landed. At the time it belonged to the airline TRANSBRAZIL
Just before acquisition by the Cameroon government, the aircraft belonged to Air Madagascar. It is possible it suffered a fire to the left engine, and in this photo, you can see the engine is missing. It is at a repair facility in California, USA
This 2005 Photograph taken in Atlanta, USA, shows the aircraft after it had been returned by the government f the republic of Cameroon to its owners. Notice the tail registration has been changed to a US FAA number.
Another view of the "ALBATROSS" after rejection by the government of Cameroon
View of the cockpit of the "ALBATROSS". Notice the yellow light indicating failure of the Transponder.
Work in progress before sale to the government of Cameroon. Notice missing left engine.
A view of the instrument panel of the "ALBATROSS"
Notice left engine fire system has been acticated in this shot. Picture was taken while the aircraft was being refurbished in the USA for sale to Paul Biya of Cameroon.
View of the interior of the "ALBATROSS"
After it was returned by the Cameroon government, it flew for a while as a Charter aircraft. Here, it is seen in England flying for FLYJET. Photograph was taken in 2006
And here is what the "ALBATROSS" looks like today. Flying for the government of Djibouti. It would have been doing the same duty for the Republic of Cameroon, instead, its story brings sad memories to the Fotsos, the Mebaras, the Mendoungas, and many others who have been disgraced by their sheer graft and outright corruption that almost cost the lives of the first family of Cameroon.